We Are Conscious Against The Coronavirus Outbreak, We Have Taken Our Precautions!

Coronaviruses are viruses that most people encounter at some point in their life. It usually causes moderate upper respiratory diseases.
But the situation we are facing this time is much more dangerous.
SARS-CoV emerged in 2003 as a previously unknown virus, causing hundreds of people to die. 10 years later, MERSCoV, which has not been previously shown in humans or animals, first appeared in Saudi Arabia and Jordan in humans for the first time in 2012. On December 31, 2019, the WHO Country Office for China reported cases in Wuhan, China, and a new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) was identified on January 7, 2020, which has not previously been detected in humans. Later, the name of his disease was accepted as COVID-19.
How Is It Transmitted?
New Corona virus, cough, sneezing from the sick people, respiratory secretion drops scattered around the speech, contact the mucous membranes of healthy people and cause them to get sick. 2 meters are enough for the disease to be transmitted from person to person in this way.
What are the symptoms and how are they diagnosed?
Nasal discharge, cough, sore throat and fever are among the symptoms of the virus. In addition, it is necessary to have come from the countries where the disease has been seen in the last 14 days (far east countries such as China, Korea, Iran, Italy, but the country that is not seen anymore is almost gone), to be busy at airports, to travel by plane or to be in close contact with a patient. . The virus can sometimes cause lower respiratory diseases such as heart-lung patients, people with compromised immune systems, or pneumonia in the elderly. Laboratory tests for DIAGNOSIS are not used frequently, as clinical symptoms are mild. However, when the doctor deems it necessary (PCR), the genetic fingerprint of the virus can be checked.
Attention if there is fever, cough and shortness of breath!
In a person caught COVID-19, the time to the onset of symptoms is between 2 and 14 days. Many people with confirmed COVID-19 infection have developed severe acute respiratory disease with symptoms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath. In some patients, the findings of the digestive system in the form of diarrhea, nausea and vomiting accompanied the picture. Serious complications such as pneumonia and kidney failure developed in patients infected with the virus and approximately 3% of these patients died.
In summary Symptoms of the Disease:
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Diarrhea (Less)
- Nausea and vomiting
Those suspected of having corona virus disease (COVID-19) should quarantine themselves and apply to the nearest healthcare facility.
Let's Take Individual Precautions To Be Taken To Protect From Corona Virus!
To prevent the spread of infection;
- Let's Wash Our Hands Frequent and Regularly with Water and Soap for At Least 20 Seconds!
- Let's Avoid Close Contact With People Who Have Cold Symptoms!
- Let's Ventilate Our Environments Frequently!
- Let's Wash Our Clothes With Normal Detergent At 60-90 ° C!
- If we have complaints such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath, let's isolate ourselves from the outside world and apply to a healthcare facility by wearing a medical mask!
- Let's not touch our eyes, mouth and nose with our hands!
- Let's not go abroad; If we came out, let's spend the first 14 days in our home on the way back!
- If there is no water and soap in our location, let's use Cologne and Alcohol Based Hand Disinfectant!
- Let's Cover the Mouth and Nose with Disposable Wipes During Coughing and Sneezing, If There Is No Wipes, Let's Use THE INSIDE OF THE ELBOW (NOT HAND)!
- Let's Clean the Surfaces We Use Frequently, such as Door Handles, Fixtures, Washbasins, with Water and Detergent Every Day!
- Let's Avoid Close Contacts Like Handshaking, Hugging!
- Let's not use any of our personal belongings in common!
- Let's Consume Abundant Fluids, Eat Balanced, Pay Attention to Our Sleep Pattern!
- Let's stay away from crowded environments such as airports, airplanes, public transportation, cinema and stadiums as much as possible!
There is currently no vaccine developed against COVID-19 infection. Therefore, it is necessary to take very careful and attentive and take this seriously without making a humor material.
Some of the Intracompany Measures Against COVID-19 Viruses
In addition to all these individual measures and recommendations, measures have been taken in our company for 8 stages since 11.03.2020 against Corona Virus Risk. These measures have been published and announced to the staff and suppliers through e-mail and boards. SOME of these measures are listed below.
- The transition from home to work order has been reduced, and the number of physically present staff has been halved.
- Places with intensive hand contact with all common areas, as well as all company vehicles and services, are frequently disinfected by the relevant personnel. Again, the whole workshop and facility part, the stock and stock area and the machine park are periodically disinfected.
- In the corridors, meeting rooms, office interiors, workshops and common areas and vehicles, there are continuous hand disinfectants, medical masks and gloves. Also, mobile disinfectants were distributed to all personnel.
- It is aimed to increase the fresh air rate by opening the windows as much as possible in the offices. Again, it is aimed to leave the doors open as much as possible, especially the common areas in the offices, and to make less hand contact with the doors.
- All in-house and out-of-company visits are temporarily postponed or canceled.
- The Internal Corona Virus Emergency Action Committee has been established.
- At the entrance to the facility, Taking Temperature procedure was started every morning.
- Shipment and supply vehicles that have to enter and leave the facility started to apply the Medical Mask and Glove procedure.
- Additional Measures continue to be taken instantaneously, according to the developments.
We Are Conscious Against Corona Virus Outbreak, We Have Taken Our Precautions!